2022 AGM Notice and Meeting Papers
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of SERVICE ONE Mutual will be held at the East Hotel, 69 Canberra Avenue, Kingston on Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 6.00pm.
A Notice of Meeting which includes details of Ordinary Business items, Special Business and Explanatory notes is attached for Members.
Members who wish to receive a printed notice of the meeting and/or obtain the business papers or appointment of Proxy forms in relation to the meeting can do so by calling Jacqueline Varela (02) 6215 7142.
You can download a copy of the 2021-22 Annual Report here.
Eligible Members can RSVP by 1pm on 15 November 2022 by emailing support@serviceone.com.au advising of their intention to attend and confirming their membership number and date of birth.
Note that attendees will be able to enter the meeting from 5:30pm on 16 November 2022.
The Ordinary Business of the meeting will be:
Chair’s Report.
To receive and consider the Company’s Annual Financial Report, Directors’ Report and Auditor’s Report.
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following ordinary resolution:
"That the proposal by the Board of SERVICE ONE Mutual Limited, in accordance with Rule 13.3(2) of the Constitution, to determine a limit of six (6) on the total number of Directors appointed by the Members is approved."
Refer to the Explanatory Statement on page 2.
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following ordinary resolutions (Appointment of Directors):
"That Christine Faulks be appointed as a Director of SERVICE ONE Mutual Limited."
"That Ivan Slavich be appointed as a Director of SERVICE ONE Mutual Limited."
Refer to the Explanatory Statement on page 2.
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following ordinary resolutions:
"That the total annual remuneration of the Directors to be set at a maximum of $250,000."
Refer to the Explanatory Statement on page 2.
There is no special business.
Members entitled to attend and vote at this meeting of the Company are entitled to appoint a Proxy to vote on their behalf. A Proxy need not be a Member of the Company. Refer to Proxy Form.
Members may submit questions in advance of the meeting by emailing them to Jacqueline Varela at jvarela@serviceone.com.au by 5pm Tuesday 15th November 2022.
Questions should relate to the business of the meeting. Members will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the meeting in relation to the formal items of business.